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Marianne Dorman 

Refer also to other books of Lancelot Andrewes

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While working on my Ph.D. I was introduced to a manuscript about to be purchased by Lambeth Palace Library. It turned out to be a collection of catechetical lectures and sermons by Lancelot Andrewes.
     This book is a transcription of that manuscript, Ms. 3707. As well there are numerous footnotes that link the various lectures and sermons with other published works of Andrewes.
Another divine that is included in the Caroline divines is Lancelot Andrewes, although strictly speaking he died about eighteen months after Charles I ascended the throne. He too contributed to the Renaissance era  through his sermons. Thomas Eliot, much influenced by this divine, spoke of his prose as being as fine as any English literature. The Perennial Preacher  was published to commemorate the four hundred and fiftieth year of the consecration of Andrewes as a bishop in 1605.
Taking various themes from the Church's Year and Christian Iiving the editor has enabled Andrewes to be speak to us from the pulpit in this twenty-first century.
This book is basically the publication of my Ph.D thesis, Lancelot Andrewes - Mentor of Reformed Catholicism in the Post Reformation English Church
I argued that Andrewes through his influence from his own piety and preaching enabled the English Church at the Reformation to retain much that was good in the pre-Reformation Church, especially in worship and personal piety. 
He and other Caroline Divines were inspirational to those we know as members of the Oxford Movement in the nineteenth century and thus laid the foundation for what became known as Anglo-Catholicism in modern times. 
 All theae books are readily available online such as AmazonBarnes and NobleDeal Oz and Belltower Books, Sydney.