IN the morning shall my prayer come unto Thee. Psal. lixx iii. 13.
Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord, who didst bring forth of the earth
    (Creeping things , Gen.1.24-5

           (For Clothing,
                   (Help ;
And didst make man after Thy image, to have dominion over the earth, and didst bless him. Gen. i. 26, 28.
The consultation [of the blessed Trinity about him] . Gen. i. 26.
        The work of his hands. Psal. cxxxviii. 8.
The breath of life. Gen. ii. 7.
The image of God. Gen. i. 26.
The setting him over Thy works. Gen. i. 28, and Psal. viii. 6.
The charge to the Angels concerning him. Psal. xci. 11. Paradise. Gen. ii. 8.
Heart,      Reins,
                Eyes,       Ears,  
               Hands,      Feet. 
                Sense,      Reason,
                Spirit,       Freewill,
                Memory,  Conscience.
                     That which is
Known of God, Rom. i. 19.
Written in the law ; S. Luke x. 26.
                  The oracles of the Prophets;
                  The melody of the Psalms;
                  The instruction of the Proverbs;
                  The knowledge of histories ;
                  The service  of sacrifices.
Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord, for Thy great and precious promise, on this day, concerning that life-giving seed, Gen. iii.15.
And for the fulfilling thereof in the fulness of time, Gal.4, upon this day.
Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord, for Thy holy passions on this day.
Oh, by Thy saving passions on this day, save us, O Lord.

P. Hosea.
I have stood out against Thee, 0 Lord ; Chap. xiii. 16. 
But I return unto Thee.
I am weakened by mine iniquities;
But, I take with me words, and turn to Thee, saying, 
Forgive my sin, and receive my prayer;
So will I render to Thee the fruit of my lips. Chap. xiv. 1, 2.

                              P . Joel. 
Spare,  0 Lord, spare ;
And give not Thine heritage to reproach among Thine enemies. Chap. ii. 17.

P. Amos.
0 Lord, 0 Lord, be gracious ; cease, I beseech Thee. 
By whom shall Jacob arise ? For he is small.
Repent, 0 Lord, concerning this. Let it not be. Chap vii. 2, 3.

P. Jonah.
Observing vanity and lies, I have forsaken mine own mercy :
And I am cast out of Thy sight.
But, when my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord.
I will look yet again toward Thy holy temple.
Thou halt brought my life from corruption. Chap. ii. 4, 6-8.

P. Micah.
Who is a God like unto Thee, who passest by the iniquities of the remnant of Thine heritage?
Thou wilt not always retain Thine anger, for a testimony [against us], because Thou delightest in mercy.
Turn again, and have mercy upon us, 0 Lord; drown our iniquities, and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea, According to Thy truth and mercy. Chap. vii. 18-20.

P. Habakkuk.
0 Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid; 
I have considered Thy works, and was astonished ; 
In wrath remember mercy. Chap. iii. 2.

                               P. Zechariah.
Behold me, 0 Lord, clothed with filthy garments.
Behold Satan standing at my right hand. Chap. iii. 1, 3. 
And by the blood of Thy Covenant, 0 Lord, Chap. ix. 11. 
In that fountain opened for the purging of all uncleanness, Chap. :iii. 1.
Take away mine iniquities, and cleanse my sins,
Save me, as a brand plucked out of the fire. Chap. iii. 2.
Father, forgive me; for I know not, in truth I know not, what I have done, in sinning against Thee. S. Luke xxiii. 34.
Lord, remember me, when Thou comest into Thy kingdom. S. Luke xxiii 42.
Lord, repay not mine enemies their sins. Acts vii. 60. Repay me my sins, 0 Lord,

By (Thy sweat, and great drops of blood; 
     (The agony of Thy soul. S. Luke xxii. 44. 
By Thy Head, crowned with thorns, S. Matt. xxvii. 29, set on with staves,
Weeping eyes, Heb. v. 7.
Ears, filled with revilings, S. Matt. xxvii. 39. 
Mouth, given vinegar and gall to drink, Ver. [34,] 48.
Face, shamefully defiled by spitting, Ver. 30. 
Neck, loaded with the burthen of the cross, S. John xix. 17.
Back, furrowed with stripes and wounds, Psal. cxxix. 3, and 1 S. Pet. ii. 24.
Hands and feet digged, Psal. xxii. 17.
Strong cry, Eli, Eli, S. Matt. xxvii. 46, and Heb. v. 7.
Heart, pierced with the spear, S. John xix. 34. 
Water and blood running out, Ver. 34.
Body broken, 
Blood shed.

Psal. lxxxv.
Lord, forgive the offences of Thy servant ; and cover all his sins. Ver. 2.
Take away all Thy displeasure; and turn Thyself from Thy wrathful indignation. Ver. 3.
Turn me, 0 God of our salvation; and let Thine anger cease from us. Ver. 4.
Wilt Thou be angry with us for ever ; and wilt Thou stretch out Thy wrath from one generation to another? Ver. 5.
0 God, Thou wilt turn again, and quicken us; and Thy people shall rejoice in Thee. Ver. 6.
Shew us Thy mercy, 0 Lord; and grant us Thy salvation. Ver. 7.
The works of the flesh : 
      Revelling , and such like. Galat. v. 19-21.

The fruits of the Spirit : 
    Love, joy, peace,
   Gentleness, goodness, 
 Temperance. Galat. v. 22, 23.

         The spirit of
The fear of the Lord. P. Isa. xi. 2.
The gifts of the Spirit:

The word of
Wisdom ; 
The word of
The gifts of healing ;

The working of
Miracles ;
Prophecy ; 
Discerning of spirits;
Divers kinds, and interpretations of tongues. I Cor. xii. 8-10.

LORD, I believe,
That Thou didst create me;
Despise not the work of Thine own hands.
That, according to Thy image and likeness;
Suffer not Thy likeness to be blotted out.
That Thou didst redeem me with Thy blood ;
Suffer not the price of Thy redemption to be lost.
That Thou didst set me out for a Christian, after Thine own name ;
Despise not me, who-am called by Thy name.
         That Thou didst sanctify me in the regeneration ;
Destroy not me, whom Thou hast sanctified.
That Thou didst ingraff me in the good olive-tree, Rom. xi. 24, 
as a member of the mystical body ;
Cut not off a member of Thy mystical body.

O think upon Thy servant, as concerning Thy word, wherein Thou hast caused me to put my trust. Psal. cxix. 49.
My soul fainteth with longing for Thy salvation ; and I have a good hope because of Thy word. Ver. 81.

Let us pray,
For the prosperity and strengthening of all Christian armies against the enemies of our most holy faith,
For our holy fathers, and all our brethren in Christ, For all that hate us, and love us,
For all that have mercy upon us, and minister unto us, For all whom we are desired to remember in our prayers, For the redemption of the captives,
For our fathers and brethren who are absent,
For all seafaring persons,
For all who are cast upon the bed of sickness, For plenty of the fruits of the earth,
For the souls of all orthodox Christians. 

Let us commemorate
Our   (Godly kings, 
(Orthodox prelates,
The founders of this holy habitation,
Our parents, and all our forefathers and brethren who are gone before us.
Let Thy mighty hand, 0 Lord, be my defence ;
Thy mercy in Christ, my salvation ;
Thy all-true word, my instruction;
The grace of Thy quickening Spirit, my consolation, unto the end, and in the end.

Let the
Soul of Christ
                                                                     sanctify me; 
                                                           Body of Christ
                                                                    strengthen me ;
       Blood of Christ
                                                                  redeem me ; 
                                                         Water of Christ
                                                                  cleanse me ; 
                                                         Stripes of Christ
                                                                 heal me ;
        Sweat of Christ
                                                                refresh me ; 
                                                          Wounds of Christ
                                                                hide me.

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep my heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God. Phil. iv. 7.
O Lord, who didst not despise, nor forsake man, trans¬gressing Thy commandment, and falling ;
But, as a tender-bowelled father, didst visit him sundry ways ;
Giving him that Thy great and precious promise, concern¬ing the blessed quickening Seed ;
Opening unto him a door of faith and repentance unto life ; And in the fulness of time sending the same Thy Christ, to take the seed of Abraham ;
And, by the oblation of His life, to fulfil the obedience of the law ;
And, by the sacrifice of His death, to take away the curse thereof ;
By His death to redeem the world;
And, by His resurrection to quicken the same :
Who didst all things to this end, to bring back mankind to Thee, 
that he might be partaker of the Divine nature, and of eternal glory ;
Who didst attest the truth of Thy Gospel,
By many and manifold miracles
By the ever memorable conversation of Thy saints;
 By their supernatural patience, under torments;
By the most wonderful conversion of the whole world unto the obedience of faith,
Without       (Rhetoric, or
Blessed, praised, celebrated, magnified, highly exalted, glorified, and hallowed be Thy Name ; 
the mention and memory, and all the monuments thereof, both now and for ever.
Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof ;
For Thou vast slain, and hast redeemed us to our God by Thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.
To Him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb, blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, for ever and ever. Revel. v. 9, 12, 13.
Salvation to our God, who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb. Amen.
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God, for ever and ever. Amen. Revel. vii. 10. 12.

Marianne Dorman
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